Guide to the Art Robbins Phoenix Crystallization Robot at Princeton

Phil Jeffrey, August 2016, v0.3

The Art Robbins Phoenix is an efficient crystallization robot that is quite effective at setting up small drop volume screening trays. This document is designed to highlight the actual operation of our setup at Princeton - the robot falls under the umbrella of the Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography core facility. There is a PDF manual for the machine on the Desktop of the control PC that is more detailed than this document. The content overlaps this one, especially in the programming segment.

This is an older picture when we had it set up on a lab bench, but the current layout is essentially the same:

Robot overview

The robot itself is the blue box in the middle, but the robot requires a small flotilla of other devices to drive it.

The robot is a high precision device where considerable operational care is needed to avoid damage to the hardware. For example the dispensor needles for the 96-well blocks cost $100 per needle to replace, or $9,600 for the entire block. The protein nano needle costs $300 and if left to dry out must be replaced - there is no reconditioning of it. In particular you must perform the end-of-run 2% detergent and NaOH wash cycle if you leave the machine idle for more than an hour, even if you intend to use it again.


While delicate, the machine still moves metal parts around with some force while in operation. Keep your hands clear of the machine whenever it is running a protocol (including the wash step) otherwise you could easily suffer injury. If something bad starts happening, don't use the software STOP button - that'll take too long - just power down the robot by flipping the Tripp-Lite power strip off.


We've had a few instances of expensive robot damage from people taking too little care during robot operations. Therefore we mandate that you must be observing the robot at all times when it is in operation, with the exception of the final detergent/NaOH wash and the wash right at the end of each tray cycle. If something starts to go wrong with the hardware, turn the power supply off, or if you feel you have time you can abort the protocol. A syringe head crash costs several $thousand to fix, and each nano needle crash costs $300.


Here's the robot:

It has three flat metal decks, each of which can hold three 96-well blocks. The top two of these decks slide back and forth. Locations are numbered left to right and top to bottom: 1-3 on the top deck, 4-6 on the middle (rarely used) and 7-9 on the lower. The top deck is shown here with the yellow chill block for your protein solution at location #3. There's also a crystallization tray in location #2 (middle of top deck) and a screen solution deep well block in location #8 (middle of bottom deck). This is the typical layout. Each of the locations are indexed by metal studs that allow precise positioning of the block. For every location the position A1 is the front left of the block and all trays/blocks should be mounted so A1 is front left. Position 7 at the left of the lower deck usually holds the 96-syringe washing block, as in this case. We always leave it there. Put the crystallization tray and protein chill block the top deck and the deep well block on the lower deck.

Here's how you position a crystallization tray. Note the metal pins that hold the tray in location, and there are springs at top and right that hold the tray in place. Make sure it's seated well and the A1 drop is front left (lower left in this picture). This tray is installed at position 2 on the upper deck.

The only way the robot knows which media/format is in which location is by how the layout is defined in the software protocol. It's important that tray and block locations match the protocol, so use a standard layout and stick to it. Additionally things like crystallization trays come in multiple formats. We use the "Intelli-Plate 2-well Deep Reservoir" trays exclusively to simplify this. Deep well blocks and the protein chill blocks are also a standard format.

Here's a deep well block containing a screen - these are manually loaded. Remove the foil seal before use and place the block in one of the lower deck locations - usually #8. Reseal with foil after you're finished with them. Be sure to remove the residual glue from the seal on the top of the block, since this can wrap itself around the needles. It can also make the syringe guide plate sticky, which can pick up your tray and trash the 96-syringe head.

The robot itself has two dispensing heads:
The one on the left is a 96-syringe block that dispenses 96 wells of solutions at one time and has a guard plate to keep the needles aligned. These needles are flexible, and you may see them bend slightly when dispensing solution into the 96-well crystallization tray. This is normal. However if a needle bends beyond 90 degrees then it is getting stuck in the metal guide plate and you should halt operations until this is fixed.

Sticking needles are due to one of two things: failure to wash the head, failure to just the "Above Bottom" parameter in the Aspirate step of the protocol to match the liquid level in your block.
Phoenix robot 96 syringe head
The one on the right is a single nano-needle used to dispense protein droplets. This needle cannot reach the lowest level. It sprays protein in the crystallization plate via ink-jet type technology, so it never drops down into the plate itself. This needle is both stiff and fragile, and once bent has to be replaced at significant cost ($250). We go to quite some lengths to protect this needle and keep it clean, since it is vital to correct operation. Phoenix robot nano needle

And, finally, this is the wash station with the four pumps that drives the wash cycles for the nano-needle and 96-syringe head. The large conical flash is filled with water with 0.02% azide. There's a 100x (2%) azide stock kept nearby for your use. Don't let the flask dry out - fill it with water+azide when low. Doing a lot of trays with the associated washes can consume quite a lot of wash water - check regularly.
Phoenix robot wash station and pumps

Start Up

Use the iLab interface to create a reservation prior to using the machine. This blocks out time on the schedule and also provides billing information. If you're unfamiliar with iLab consult my mini user guide to get started with making reservations. It's no longer necessary or desirable to fill out the log book - that's there mainly for maintenance records at this point.

Programming the run is the tricky part, it's not automated but usually you will be using your own or others' saved protocols to start from and just changing a few volumes.

Shut Down

Opening and modifying existing protocols

Switching Media (Tray) Types

Our experience is that all 96-well blocks have the same layout despite small differences in the overall block design - you don't need to redefine the deep well block type. However tray types certainly do vary and to use a new tray type you must change the protocol so the robot knows the tray layout.

The list of media known to the robot is visible in the table at lower right when you click on the Protocol Start header. If you want to use 96-3 three-drop plates instead of 96-2 original deep-wells, or switch to 96-2 shallow well plates you're going to have to modify your protocol. Best to make a copy of it first with a different name using File>Save As.

September 2016 - added the newer IntelliPlate 96-2 Shallow Well definition to the list, called "Intelli-Plate 96-2 SW". This has a shallow 60 µl reservoir and two drops that are broad and rounded and of the same size. This is not our usual IntelliPlate 96-2 Deep Well or the 96-3 plate.

Programming the run from scratch

The Phoenix manual on the control PC desktop for a description of the parameters for each step - this is more of an outline.

First step is to load the "deck" panel with the media you are using. This tells the program what plates and deep well blocks are in use and where they are. You'll also need to specify the location of the protein chill block (usually in position 3) and the 96-syringe wash block (usually in position 7).

Click on Protocol Start to bring up the media table and the layout. Click-drag media from the table to the layout. Each location on the three metal decks of the robot are numbered from left to right: 1,2,3 are on the top deck; 4,5,6 are on the middle stage; 7,8,9 are on the bottom deck. The protein delivery needle can reach locations 1-6 but not 7-9 so there's no point putting either the tray or your protein there. Always put deep well blocks and trays such at the A1 location is at the front left . There are spring-loaded locations for each tray. Make sure that your tray is sitting square in the locations since the robot uses basic geometry to go to where it expects tray wells (etc) to be.

Then make your protocol - which is specific to the layout you just defined - by Click-Dragging specific steps (Aspirate, Nano-Dispense etc) onto the protocol.

The robot has two solution delivery systems. The Nano needle is a single needle that delivers the protein using a method like that of an inkjet printer. The program refers to modules using this needle with the prefix Nano (Nano Dispense, Nano Aspirate). Any other module (Dispense, Aspirate, Mix) is using the head at the left of the machine that contains 96 needles that deliver solution at the same time.

  1. Wash (washes to 96-syringe block)
  2. NanoWash (washes the protein nano-needle)
  3. Aspirate (loads screen solutions into the 96-well syringes)
  4. Dispense (deliver solutions to well from 96-syringe block)
  5. Dispense (deliver solutions to drop from 96-syringe block)
  6. NanoAspirate (sucks protein up into nano-needle)
  7. NanoDispense (dispenses protein to drop)
  8. Exchange
  9. Wash
  10. NanoWash (wash the nano-needle again)
  11. NanoWash (wash the nano-needle again)
  12. NanoWash (wash the nano-needle yet again)
  13. NanoDispense
  14. Wash
  15. Wash
And this, at long last, is a complete run programmed into the computer. It takes rather longer to program it than it does to execute it so it pays to save your own protocol to the folder under your own name. At present no sub-directories are allowed so tagging it with your own name is wise and avoids confusion.

Phil Jeffrey, first version: March 2010, most recent update: September 2016.