Some MAD Notes


lambda = 12397.64/eV
    eV = 12397.64/lambda
CuKa is 8043 eV

Commonly Used Experimental Edges

These differ from the theoretical edges because elements bound to protein never scatter at quite the same energy as those in the elemental state. These values are experimentally determine via fluorescence scatter at X9A. They appear to be relatively constant between xtals, but should always be checked for each xtal before data collection as a fluctuation of a few eV at the Peak can make a huge difference in f''. Note that bromide (i.e. Na.Br in the table below) will fluoresce at a different wavelength than something like Bromo-uracil which seems to be a little higher in energy by 2-3 eV.

Element Edge eV Lambda
Na.Br Inflection 13473 0.9202
Na.Br Peak 13479 0.9198
Na.Br Remote 13529 0.9164
Se Inflection 12660 0.979
Se Peak 12662 0.979
Se Remote 12860 0.964
Hg Inflection 12286 1.009
Hg Peak 12320 1.006
Hg Remote 12540 0.996
Au Inflection 11927 1.039
Au Peak 11932 1.039
Au Remote 12230 1.014
Pt Inflection 11567 1.072
Pt Peak 11572 1.071
Pt Remote 11867 1.045
Zn Inflection 9664 1.283
Zn Peak 9671 1.282
Zn Remote 9824 1.262
Notice that 1.000 Angstrom (12398 eV) is actually a good place to collect data at, in general. Theoretical f'' for various potential heavy atom derivative elements at 1.000 Ang are listed below:
Element f'' at 1.000 Ang
W 11.7
Os 11.4 (near L-II edge!)
Hg 10.0 (near L-III edge!)
Au 9.5
Pt 9.1
Ir 8.6
U 6.9
Eu 6.5
Sm 6.1
Pb 4.3
so there may be a measurable anomalous signal for many of these.

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