Diffraction Methods Gordon Conference 2002 Notes
Conference Facilities
Location: Connecticut College, New London, CT. This location sucks.
The venue is too large (2 Gordon Conferences + a High School Teacher
conference does not make for an intimate setting), and New London
appears to be a fairly depressed area. Don't even start me on
the dorms.
Anyway, when not whining about the conference infrastructure, here
are things that caught my eye at the conference:
A fair amount of emphasis was placed on single-wavelength anomalous
diffraction (SAD) at this conference, in particular by B.C. Wang
who touted possibilities of high-resolution SAD using home sources
and the weak signal from sulfur. (Wayne Hendrickson was politely
skeptical about the revolutionary possibilities of this method).
Nevertheless from conversations it became apparent that iodine/iodide
SAD data has been useful in some cases, either as NaI (Z. Dauter's
method) or KI/I2 (an old method revisited by Gwyndaf Evans).
Certainly proponents of Maximum Likelihood Phasing techniques (Randy
Read, Gerard Bricogne) seemed very attracted to SAD as a technique.
I have solved one structure using SAD, although that was because the
MAD data seemed to produce worse maps than a single wavelength.
Nevertheless MAD is still the major phasing method. Wayne Hendrickson
gave a talk where he expounded the possibilities of less-traditional
elements for MAD phasing, but he stuck to his guns on what he considers
the best data collection strategy: inverse beam. Others have
observed that very high redundancy can maximize the anomalous signal
in SAD cases: 360-700 degrees often produces a better signal/noise
in anomalous data than more conservative data collection ranges.
However Wayne pointed out that collecting such large amounts of data
may be better for SAD, but may jeapordize the MAD experiment (likewise
the inverse beam, move-between-wavelengths method jeapordizes the
SAD experiment) because of radiation damage.
Zhen-Quing Fu from B.C. Wang's lab reiterated (endlessly) a technique
advocated by others: that the "anomalous" signal between centric
reflections is an estimate of the error in the measured anomalous
signal since centric reflections have no anomalous difference
between I+ and I-. This method is also on Bernhard Rupp's website
and has been mentioned on the CCP4 bulletin board in the past. (Phil
plans to implement this out of Scalepack in the near future).
Membrane Protein Crystallisation
Automation and other Hardware
There were some fairly standard reiterative talks (e.g. Steve Muchmore,
B.C. Wang) about the possibilities of beamline automation and how
it will magically speed up the screening of heavy atom derivatives.
BNL's X12 beamline (via Howard Robinson) seems to have the most
elaborate throughput plans at this point, with long term storage
and retreival of samples, overnight rapid screening passes through
crystals, slightly longer wedges of data from potential heavy atom
derivatives etc, with a web summary of results for the experimenter
to select the next experiment in the series. The ultimate in
armchair/FedEx crystallography. There's convergence in the types
of technology in use but no actual convergence in the formats yet.
The field appears relatively open.
A small technical note: beamline automation has settled on Hampton
style mounts as the de facto standard. No consensus as to pin length
has emerged.
Nevertheless I feel quite strongly that this has a great deal of
potential for somewhere like X9A, where a large number of prefrozen
crystals could be screened automatically overnight, with a review
of results the following morning followed by more extensive data
collection on promising samples.
There were some talks on new detector technologies, including a CCD
detector with a lens as the optical element (potentially better than
the fiber optic tapers), this particular design did not seem to offer
any actual benefits over existing fiber designs. Ed Westbrook had
a poster on prototype technology for digital pixel counter detectors
(generally believed to be the eventual state of the art sometime in
the future, but not now). Ed Westbrook doesn't have the best track
record in delivering technology, however. The other talk presented
some data on the large flat amorphous Se detector in development by MAR
which may in fact have better performance than a CCD (in particular a
smaller point spread function), but is still in the prototype stage.
This detector was also touted at least year's ACA meeting in Los
Angeles, so development of it seems to be taking a while.
Other Ideas
A few talks provided examples of phase extension from low resolution
cryo-EM maps (virus structures and the ribosome), use of heavy
atom clusters (ribosome) and Ir(NH3)6 and Os(NH3)6 as useful
heavy atom derivatives. There were no instant solutions, however.
It was reiterated that the heavy atom clusters normally provide very
little phasing information beyond 6 Angstrom and nobody seems to have
routinely got around that problem (disordered sites and unresolvable
heavy atom substructures are the cause of this).
Python and Structure/Visualisation
Python seems to be emerging as a useful scripting language with several
toolkits in various stages of development. The PHENIX project plans to build
an entire semi-automated customisable graphically-driven crystallography suite
for these high-throughput times out of it. Michel Sanner presented some
glimpses into what seemed quite an impressive macromolecular visualisation
toolkit also in Python. The program Pymol has also been around for a while
now, and may be worth a closer look. Other groups (e.g. CCP43D) also seem
to be using Python.
- Python-based software development at Scripps
- CCTBX a fledgeling Python
crystallography suite called the Computational Crystallography Toolbox
- PHENIX an in-progress
automated crystallography suite being written in Python
- William DeLano's oft-self-advertized
. PyMol is also
being used by the PHENIX project and may have been overlooked as a useful
graphics/modeling program.
- Visualisation tools from
CCV in Austin
also have some Python-related tools.
- Probably worth mentioning the BioPython project
and the Python language home pages too.
Other Software
Just a couple of modules for CNS from Michael Chapman's lab at Florida State
University and some exotic visualization software from Austin.