Fairly straightforward initial Mac installation. Under SystemPreferences/Network I set the initial IP config to be via DHCP. For the Facility machine I need to switch it to a static IP, for the other machines I've left it as DHCP. Initial naming for the Facility machine was xray_facility, somewhat arbitrary. In Unix space it's referred to as xray0.
I disabled most of the power saving features (e.g. spinning down the hard drive) but left the screen saver active.
Installing software: I let the machine switch between OS X and Classic (OS 9.2) trivially, depending on how it wanted to launch the installer. I put obvious OS 9 applications into the folder "Applications (OS 9)" and the rest in the "Applications" folder. The standard apps loaded are Photoshop 5, Photoshop 7 and Canvas 8.
Set the display to let you run X-windows applications from your non-X terminal windows by putting this in your .cshrc or equivalent:
if (! $?DISPLAY) then setenv DISPLAY :0.0 endifI also changed a couple of default settings:
defaults write com.apple.x11 wm_ffm true defaults write com.apple.x11 no_quit_alert true
The first of these gets rid of the annoying, non-canonical
click-to-focus property, and the second gets rid of a warning window
that pops up and prevents you from logging out if X11 is running.
man Xquartz for more information and other possibilities.
Note that you don't want/need to run the OrborOS window manager if you are running this Apple Xserver.
Phil has the Dev stuff on a burnt CD, for convenience.
source /sw/bin/init.csh
2. Configure fink to use cvs releases:
% fink selfupdate-cvs % sudo apt-get update3. Tell fink where you have installed X-windows:
% fink install system-xfree864. Use the command % fink list to see what is available.
5. Use the command
% sudo apt-get install packagenameto install binaries from Debian packages prepared by fink. These are not available in all cases, so if apt-get reports that it is not found, or if you want to compile stuff yourself, instruct fink to do so with
% fink install packagename6. Some packages are only available currently from the "unstable" branch (eg: mozilla, scientificpython). Copy the appropriate files to your fink installation and then install. I've rounded these up for you along with some automated crystallography install scripts here. Beware that these may not be current. You are better off doing it yourself. However if you install an old one, next time you do a fink update-all, it will make everything current.
Fink installs programs into machine-wide locations under /sw, so can be useful to build a general default installation. This is Phil's list of Fink commands/installs as of March 2003:
fink scanpackages fink selfupdate-cvs sudo apt-get update # Inform Fink that we already have X installed fink install system-xfree86 fink list sudo apt-get install g77 sudo apt-get install f2c sudo apt-get install fort77 sudo apt-get install fftw sudo apt-get install tcltk sudo apt-get install blt # Mozilla appears broken in both FINK and APT-GET # sudo apt-get install mozilla fink install scientificpython fink install povray fink install xv sudo apt-get install xemacs fink install rasmol sudo apt-get install ghostscript sudo apt-get install imagemagick sudo apt-get install ispell sudo apt-get install openssh sudo apt-get install xtraceroute sudo apt-get install xforms sudo apt-get install nedit sudo apt-get install openmotif3 sudo apt-get install pymolNote that you can get applications like Mozilla, Netscape etc in the normal download/install way in the Mac. They just install in different places.
You can also install the same software in more Unix-traditional locations, but which version you will use depends on the relative position of /sw and the other locations within your PATH variable.
Some installations, particularly those for Microsoft Office, Eudora and Endnote are simply drag it into the applications folder.
Magic fix for Endnote for Microsoft Word: find the "cite while you write" folder in the Endnote directory, and drag it into Microsoft:Microsoft Office X:Office:Startup:Word directory (: is the folder separator). Start Microsoft Word. Go into preferences, under file locations, select startup. Hit the Modify button, and use the file browser to single-click your way through the directory tree until you have selected the new location of the "cite while you write" folder in ....Startup:Word. Hit the Choose button. Quit Word and restart it and you should see the Endnote menu within the Tools menu in Word.
DAVE configuration: make sure that Windows File Sharing is off in the Sharing control panel. The domain is MSKCC. The account name and password are as specified on the PCs.
Adding hosts via NETINFO: create yourself a HOSTS file from one of the SGI/LINUX files using:
grep /etc/hosts > HOSTSand copy it somehow to your G4 box (e.g. cut and paste into a editor window). Then, save the current contents of the netinfo machine "directory":
% nidump -r /machines / > machines.original % cat machines.originalthen merge the contents of the HOSTS flat file that you've just created
% sudo niload -v hosts / < HOSTSand check your entries
% nidump -r /machines /This approach was culled from this article which was actually more to do with suppressing popup ads (by lying about the IP addresses of notorious popup ad servers).
This is the current (Mar 2003) contents of my HOSTS flat file: hhmipc1 xtreme1 xtreme1-fast xtreme1.ski.mskcc.org xtreme1.mskcc.org xtreme2 xtreme2-fast xtreme2.ski.mskcc.org xtreme2.mskcc.org xtreme3 xtreme3-fast xtreme3.ski.mskcc.org xtreme3.mskcc.org xtreme4 xtreme4-fast xtreme4.ski.mskcc.org xtreme4.mskcc.org xtreme5 xtreme5-fast xtreme5.ski.mskcc.org xtreme5.mskcc.org xtreme6 xtreme6-fast xtreme6.ski.mskcc.org xtreme6.mskcc.org xray1 xray1.ski.mskcc.org xray2 xray2.ski.mskcc.org xray2.mskcc.org xray3 xray3.ski.mskcc.org xray3.mskcc.org ximpact1 ximpact1-fast ximpact1.mskcc.org ximpact1.ski.mskcc.org ximpact2 ximpact2-fast ximpact2.ski.mskcc.org ximpact2.mskcc.org ximpact3 ximpact3.ski.mskcc.org ximpact3.mskcc.org ximpact4 ximpact4.ski.mskcc.org ximpact4.mskcc.org nppmac xray4 xray4.ski.mskcc.org xray5 xray5.ski.mskcc.org xray6 xray6.ski.mskcc.org xray7 xray7.ski.mskcc.org xray8 xray8.ski.mskcc.org xray9 xray9.ski.mskcc.org xlaptop1 xlaptop1.ski.mskcc.org xlaptop2 xlaptop2.ski.mskcc.org xray0 xray0.ski.mskcc.organd this seemed to load OK. Once it is loaded, commands like "telnet xray2" work as expected.
Adding NFS mounts via NETINFO: read this to make your G4 an NFS client, or this article to run an NFS server. Running an NFS server seems a little pointless if you enable file sharing, frankly, unless you want your G4 to strictly impersonate one of my SGI or Linux installations. NFS mounts are not going to be viable with variable-IP G4's (i.e. ones with DHCP settings), because of the security restrictions I use when defining NFS exports.
This document gives a simple primer as to the use of Netinfo instead of traditional Unix flat files in /etc for system administration (/etc/hosts, /etc/fstab, /etc/exports etc). Netinfo is somewhat of a badly-documented nightmare, however.
On the host, one generates the key-pair using:
ssh-keygen -dand then just propagate it to the destination machine:
ssh xray0 mkdir .ssh ssh xray0 chown go-rwx .ssh scp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub xray0:.ssh/authorized_keys2Really only the last command is necessary, but if the .ssh directory does not exist you might need to create it. After the keys are in place, you shouldn't need to supply passwords for future transactions.