Synchrotron Packing List
Before you go
- Complete registration, especially alien clearance for non-USA citizens (APS, BNL) prior to going to the synchrotron
- Gate access clearances for BNL and APS
- Safety approval form for BNL and APS including declaration of hazardous materials
- Hazardous materials declaration for CHESS (if necessary)
- Car reservations
- Hotel/dorm reservations (CHESS: Best Western University Inn, 607-272-6100). BNL has dorms. APS has a hotel on-site.
- Schedule user training (APS) and do the on-line versions (APS, BNL)
Useful Phone Numbers
- User Admin (631) 344-3333 is the new G/U/V center, open 7-5pm M-F
- Brookhaven X25 beamline phone: 631-344-5725
- Brookhaven X29 beamline phone: 631-344-5629
- General NSLS PX beamline details via PXRR
- CHESS A1 beamline phone: 607-255-0149
- CHESS F1 beamline phone: 607-255-0584
- CHESS F2 beamline phone: 607-255-0614
Important Notes
At all synchrotrons we operate a trash-in/trash-out
policy where we remove all chemical wastes that we generate. The only
things we put in the trash or pour down the sink at synchrotrons
are food and scrap paper. Nothing hazardous ever gets trashed
at a synchrotron - we bring it back to the lab for disposal .
Therefore we always bring a supply of trash bags, conical tubes etc
to handle this waste.
To take with you
- ID badge for (BNL, APS - CHESS doesn't require one)
- GERT training cards (BNL, APS) - no longer necessary at BNL, but double-check on your training.
- Foreign nationals at BNL and APS need their passport/visa
- Neoprene/Latex gloves & cotton gloves for cryo handling
- Kimwipes
- Notebook and tray sheets so you can figure out what you're shooting
- Pens/markers
- Calculator
- Lab tape
- External hard drive for data backup
- A printout of the active SAF is often useful
- MSDS sheets for hazardous chemicals (APS, CHESS only)
- If you're only taking pre-frozen crystals:
- Dry shippers for crystal storage and transport (with xtals !!)
- Small dewars for crystal handling (X25 and X29 have their own)
- Crystal cryo loops and cryo vials - at least one to establish pin length
- Crystal cryo tools: wand, clamp, tongs etc
- Crystal tools (needles, wire, cat whisker, tweezers etc)
- Cryo canes for dewar
- If you're still taking wet trays:
- (Everything I said about pre-frozen crystals plus:)
- Styrofoam Boxes for tray transport
- Ziploc bags for ice/water mix for cold room trays
- Gel/ice packs to stabilise temperatures in the styrofoam boxes
- Trays !!
- Xtal harvesting and stabilising/soaking solutions
- Xtal cryo solutions
- Water, water bottle
- Stock solutions if you need to make up solutions (salts, PEGs, buffer etc)
- Microcentrifuge (eppendorf) tubes
- Pipetmans and 200ul, 10ul tips
- 15ml/50ml tubes
- Racks for tubes
- Waste beaker plus biohazard and garbage bags
- Glass depression plates for soaking
- Glass cover slides for depression plates (25mm Fisher)
- Grease syringe to seal depression plates if soaking for extended periods
- Microscope (we take this to CHESS, sometimes to X25)
- Heavy atom solutions (if necessary - must be on CHESS/BNL SAFs)
- Crystal cryo loops and cryo vials - full set for xtal mounting
- Dustbuster/canned air
- Anything else I have forgotten to mention ;)
- Access from BNL seems essentially impossible now and they've made it pointlessly hard (in part due to their own ineptitude) to simply plug in a laptop
- Last time I was at APS things were more straightforward, but no warranties.
- Access from CHESS is directly into our machines
- See separate blurb on backing up data at BNL.
Revised 4/2010 by Phil