Unix Crib Sheet (Linux and SGI)
Unix is the operating system running on all of the
facility's workstations and servers. The SGIs run their own version of
Unix called IRIX, while the Pentium 4 workstations run the public-domain
version of Unix called LINUX. The underlying operating system in Apple's
OSX is also Unix - try opening Terminal.app to get a shell.
Unix has a number of useful features:
- Simple User Interface - many things can be achieved quickly via the command line.
- Multiuser - multiple users have distinct data spaces to store their files.
- Multitasking - multiple processes can use the machine at the same time.
- Protected Memory - processes cannot overwrite each other's memory space.
The latter feature is especially useful because it's the habit of
other applications overwriting operating system memory that makes
PCs and older Macs crash with monotonous regularity. Apple's new OSX
operating system has
an underlying Unix core, thus providing all the above advantages.
PC hardware running Linux crashes about once every 3-4 months,
at most. A PC running Windows crashes about 10x more often.
Other sources of beginner Unix guides are:
The Unix Filesystem
Basic File Manipulation Commands
Command | Description | Usage example>
cd | Change directory | cd subdir
pwd | Print working/current directory | pwd
mkdir | Make directory | mkdir subdir
rmdir | Remove (delete) directory | rmdir subdir
ls | List directory contents | ls *.img
cp | Copy (duplicate) file | cp a.pdb b.pdb
rm | Delete file (permanently!) | rm a.pdb
mv | Move (rename) file | mv a.pdb b.pdb
cat | Concatenate (list) file to screen | cat a.pdb
more | Page through a file | more a.pdb
head | Show top of file | head a.pdb
tail | Show end of file | tail a.pdb
grep | Search for string in file | grep "HIS" a.pdb
file | Try and determine type of file | file /bin/ls
Home directory is the top of your personal file tree.
Abbrevations for home are "~" for your home and "~user" for the home
directory of "user". The directory "." is always the current
directory. The directory ".." is the parent directory.
Directories in a filename are separated with the forward slash "/"
in Unix (":" in a Mac, "\" in Windows/DOS) e.g. xray0 is synonymous
with /ximpact1/usr1/phil. There is no Trash in Unix. Once you delete
a file it is gone forever.
Simple Shell Commands
alias | Make command alias | alias ls 'ls -alF'
echo | Echo string to output | echo "This data is bad"
exit | Exit the shell | exit
history | Show command history | history
logout | Exit the (login) shell | logout
set | Set variable to value | set a = 1
setenv | Set environment variable to value | setenv DISPLAY ximpact1:0
See xray0/.cshrc for examples of this usage, and other stuff.
More Simple Unix Commands
date | Show date and time | date
df | Display filesystem data | df -k
du | Disk usage | du -sk *
man | Manual (help) | man cat
script | Record EVERYTHING you type/see | script really_big_logfile
who | Who is logged into the system | who
whoami | Who the Hell am I ? | whoami
which | Which command will I execute? | which denzo
Job Control
& | Run process in background | gzip *img &
^Z | Suspend (stop) process | ^Z
^C | Interrupt (kill) process | ^C
bg | Run (suspended) process in background | bg
fg | Run process in foreground | fg
ps | Show processes | ps, ps -efl
jobs | Show jobs (process under shell control) | jobs
kill | Kill process | kill process_id
killall | Kill all named processes | killall netscape
nice | Run processes at reduced priority | nice gzip *img
If a process is running in the foreground, the shell waits
for it to complete before accepting more command input. In the
background, the process runs semi-independently of the shell
- even if the shell exits the process keeps running (you may need "set nohup"
in your .cshrc for this).
File Redirection
> | Write output to file | ls > listing
>> | Append output to file | ls .. >> listing
| | Piple output to input of next command | ls * | grep img
< | Take input from file | molscript < ms.in
<< String | Read data from input until "String" | peek2 << EOF
If you have noclobber set in tcsh, then > and >> will not
overwrite existing files or create new ones. Use the forms >! and
>>! to override this option.
lp | Print to default printer | lp mydata.ps
cancel | Cancel print job | cancel request-ID
lpstat | Show status of printer queue | lpstat -PHP4si
Advanced File Manipulation
chown | Change owner | chown phil.user myfile.dat
chmod | Change mode (permissions) | chmod a+x my_script_file.csh
ln | Soft or hard links | ln -s ../mbsd39.fobs my_local_clone.fobs
cut | Cut file by columns | cut -c1-30 file1
paste | Paste files back together by columns | paste file1 file2
diff | Show file differences | diff peek2.f peek2_old.f
sort | Sort a file | sort -n +7 -8 water.pdb
tee | Copy output to screen and file simultaneously | ls | tee listing
touch | Create empty file/update access time | touch file1
wc | Count characters/words/lines | wc file1
find | Powerful file finder | find . -size +3000 -print
Use of any of these commands without consulting the manual first (e.g.
"man find") is likely to result in disaster.
File Transfer and Archiving
gzip | Efficient file compression | gzip *.img ; gunzip *.img.gz
compress | Less efficient file compression | compress *.img ; uncompress *.img.Z
tar | Make tape/disk archive | tar -cvf /dev/tape my_data/.
ftp | File transfer between remote machines | ftp xray2.mskcc.org
telnet | Login to remote machine | telnet xray2.mskcc.org
Simple Graphics Commands - LINUX
acroread | Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) | acroread paper.pdf
gs | View Postscript/PDF files | gs paper.ps
display | Display graphics file | display image.jpg
convert | Convert between file formats | convert image.jpg image.pict
gimp | Photoshop-like image manipulation | gimp
Simple Graphics Commands - SGI
acroread | Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) | acroread paper.pdf
xpsview | View Postscript files | xpsview paper.ps
display | Display graphics file | display image.jpg
xv | Display graphics file | xv image.jpg
ipaste | Display graphics file (SGI format only) | ipaste image.sgi
convert | Convert between file formats | convert image.jpg image.pict
imgworks | SGI-format image manipulation | imgworks image.sgi
cedit | Interactive color editor | cedit
makemap | Restore colormap after cedit mangling | makemap