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Oxford Cryostream Model 700 Programming HowTo

The older model 600 cryostream by Oxford was replaced by a model 700 in fall 2011. The underlying principals of operating are similar but the user interfacs has changed a little. Make sure you have the AD51 dry air unit operating while the cryo is running.

To Program the Oxford cryo controller:

As indicated above the new model 700 system defaults to a rapid startup, cooling down to 100K in it's "turbo" mode with the flow rate at maximum. It also executes a HOLD 100 once it gets down to target temperature. Starting the system and ramping it down to 100K just involves a single operation: just press the START button. Once at 100K the HOLD LED will be lit and it is safe to use the cryo for your experiment. No need to press any other buttons.

To commence ramp-up and shutdown it's rather similar to the old model 600:

The system will show SHUTDOWN once it has finished the END step and you can then power off both the controller and the AD51.

Author: Phil Jeffrey, Jan 2012
Last modified: Jan 2012
Phil Jeffrey, Schultz 219, 8-3978,