This is the methods home page of the Macromolecular Crystallography Core Facility in the Dept. of Molecular Biology at Princeton University. This page was created by and is managed by the Crystallography Facility Manager - Phil Jeffrey - to assist in the nuts and bolts of working on crystal structures. There's a more official Molbio Crystallography Core Facility Home Page that will be of more use to you if you're looking for information about services. These pages contain a lot of utilitarian data intended for use by crystallographers during structure determination - provided in the hope that some of it will be useful. Copyright is maintained by the original authors - there are many links to outside sources of information within these pages. Comments to the Facility Manager: Phil Jeffrey, 8-3978, Schultz 219 or preferably via EMAIL.

The crystallography core facility is dedicated to providing services for crystallization, X-ray data collection and data analysis. Our equipment includes a Rigaku 007HF-MR microfocus rotating anode generator and Dectris Pilatus3 R 300K detector, and an Art Robbins Phoenix crystallization robot. We can collect data and solve structures for both macromolecular and small molecule samples. Our services also include consultation on difficult structures - hopefully with the current software tools and perhaps even the pages/links below you can determine straightforward structures yourself, but of the 100+ structures I've solved over the years quite a few have been less than simple.

Some links will be broken at the moment - I rapidly reconstituted this site over here on the facility pages after OIT disconnected the original xray0 without informing anyone. Most links have been converted, but there will be inconsistencies as well as the usual "link rot" for references to older software and sites.


What's New?






Synchrotron Issues


Software-related Issues


Crystallography/Lab Methods, Tuturials and Guides

Look further down the page for software and servers.

Broken links ? Search for it's new location via Google, then let me know the new URL....


Macromolecular Software Home Pages

This list curated August 2010.


Bioinformatics Software and Database Search Sites


Structural Genomics

Greg Petsko's "An idea whose time has gone" is a rather interesting alternative viewpoint on this subject.

Programming Tutorials (C-shell, C, Fortran etc)

Or search Google for more.


Some of them we use, some of them we do not. Inclusion in this list doesn't mean that we recommend them, just that we are aware of them. There's a fair amount of overlap: mutliple vendors offer Mitegen mounts and Spearlab foam dewars, for example.

  Facility Manager: Phil Jeffrey, Schultz 219, 8-3978,