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Molbio Structural Biology Mailing List

We have started a mailing list for Structural Biology, currently limited to the members of the Department of Molecular Biology. Sarah Port (Hughson lab) and myself (Phil Jeffrey, Crystallography Core) are co-administrators.

To quote the original announcement from Sarah:

The intention of the list is to facilitate the flow of information as well as the logistics of electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography, e.g.

* organizing screening slots for the Titan Krios
* (bulk) ordering of supplies for EM/ crystallography
* information about synchrotron trips
* etc.

To join the list, first go to Princeton list page for Structural Biology. Use the Subscribe link at the right hand side of the screen. Give it about a day - if you don't get anything back indicating that you've joined the list, please email one of the list admins.

The list is designed to be a forum for both cryo EM scheduling and discussions/questions about the methodology and pragmatics of cryo EM and crystallography. Links to methods papers are fine, but this isn't a forum for "look at this cool structure" discussions. For crystallography core facility scheduling please use the iLab interface.

To post to the list, email from the address that you subscribed to the list with.

This text should be equivalent to the one posted on my core facility web page at this url.
Last update: July 2018 (PDJ)